Funeral Conducting
Adjust heating or air conditioning if necessary
1. The Viewing and Family Prayer:(Introduce yourself to the funeral directors. Ten minutes before the service, ask their assistance in getting the family to gather in the Relief Society room and the close the doors. Make your way to the head of the casket.)
Brothers and Sisters, the time has come to proceed with the services. I am
Bishop _____________________ of the ____________________ ward.
(your name) (name of ward)I am honored to be with you.
__________________, We consider it a blessing to assist in these service today.
(name of survivors)The outpouring of concern, service and love offered by your family, friends and
the members of the ward is a testament to the love and friendship you and your
fine companion_________________________ have fostered while living here.
(name of deceased)
In my prayers this morning I asked our Father in Heaven to bless us in three
ways. I first asked that the services today would provide your family with the
opportunity to find strength and comfort while together. I then asked God to bless
those that will participate, that his hour might prove to be a fitting tribute to a
wonderful (man / woman). I finally invited our Heavenly Father to share His
Holy Spirit, that we might find hope and peace in His eternal plan.
(If a luncheon is planned) I wish to invite your family to return to this building
immediately following the internment at the cemetery to enjoy a meal the Relief
Society is preparing for you.
The family prayer will be offered by ________________________ ______________.
(name) (relation)
Thank you. Those who wish to pay their final respects may come forward at this time. Afterwards, I invite you to follow the funeral directors lead in proceeding to the chapel.
(Excuse yourself and go sit on the stand in the chapel)
2. Funeral Service:
(Once the funeral directors are about to enter the chapel, stand at the pulpit.)
Will the congregation please arise?
(Wait until the family is in and seated)
Thank you, you may be seated.
We offer our heart felt sympathy and love to the family and friends of
(name of deceased)
We also acknowledge and appreciate the presence of
(Stake Presidency of General Authority)
The family prayer was pronounced earlier by
__________________________ _____________________________
(name) (relation)
We will begin this service by singing hymn # _______ ________________________
(name of hymn)The invocation will then be offered by
____________________________ ___________________________
(name) (relation)
The service will proceed as follows. (READ BALANCE OF PROGRAM)
Adjust heating or air conditioning if necessary
1. The Viewing and Family Prayer:(Introduce yourself to the funeral directors. Ten minutes before the service, ask their assistance in getting the family to gather in the Relief Society room and the close the doors. Make your way to the head of the casket.)
Brothers and Sisters, the time has come to proceed with the services. I am
Bishop _____________________ of the ____________________ ward.
(your name) (name of ward)I am honored to be with you.
__________________, We consider it a blessing to assist in these service today.
(name of survivors)The outpouring of concern, service and love offered by your family, friends and
the members of the ward is a testament to the love and friendship you and your
fine companion_________________________ have fostered while living here.
(name of deceased)
In my prayers this morning I asked our Father in Heaven to bless us in three
ways. I first asked that the services today would provide your family with the
opportunity to find strength and comfort while together. I then asked God to bless
those that will participate, that his hour might prove to be a fitting tribute to a
wonderful (man / woman). I finally invited our Heavenly Father to share His
Holy Spirit, that we might find hope and peace in His eternal plan.
(If a luncheon is planned) I wish to invite your family to return to this building
immediately following the internment at the cemetery to enjoy a meal the Relief
Society is preparing for you.
The family prayer will be offered by ________________________ ______________.
(name) (relation)
Thank you. Those who wish to pay their final respects may come forward at this time. Afterwards, I invite you to follow the funeral directors lead in proceeding to the chapel.
(Excuse yourself and go sit on the stand in the chapel)
2. Funeral Service:
(Once the funeral directors are about to enter the chapel, stand at the pulpit.)
Will the congregation please arise?
(Wait until the family is in and seated)
Thank you, you may be seated.
We offer our heart felt sympathy and love to the family and friends of
(name of deceased)
We also acknowledge and appreciate the presence of
(Stake Presidency of General Authority)
The family prayer was pronounced earlier by
__________________________ _____________________________
(name) (relation)
We will begin this service by singing hymn # _______ ________________________
(name of hymn)The invocation will then be offered by
____________________________ ___________________________
(name) (relation)
The service will proceed as follows. (READ BALANCE OF PROGRAM)
(List or cut and paste copy of program here)
At the close of these service, internment will be at the
(Cemetery and location)
Pallbearers are
Pallbearers are
(List or cut and paste names of pallbearers here)
The dedication of the grave will be offered by
_______________________________ _________________________________
(name) (relation)
We remind you there will be no police escort to the cemetery so please obey all traffic signals and be courteous in your driving.
Directions to the cemetery-
On behalf of the family, permit me to thank those who through word or music will participate in these services. We appreciate all in attendance for your expressions of love and for the beautiful flowers. We also express appreciation to the mortuary staff and finally to the Relief Society for their assistance in preparing a luncheon for the family.
(Bishop shares remarks now if asked. If so, remember to reintroduce second speaker at the conclusion of your remarks. No need to stand up again until after the benediction.)
(After the benediction, stand at the pulpit and invite those in attendance to…)
Please stand while the family is ushered out.
(When they have left the chapel, simply say…)
Thank You.
Print a copy of this agenda and script here;
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