My wife has been after me to write a book for over a decade. Only three things have kept me from granting her wish.
First, I am not a writer.
Second, the ideas, experiences and lessons I have developed over decades of service as a husband, father and in the lay (volunteer) ministry practiced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may be a bit broad or random for a publisher to package. My style is to study a principle, create a concise and hopefully entertaining way to teach and share it and then provide tools for those exposed to it to remember and share it themselves.
And third, I consider myself a sponge. Most of my ideas that may have merit I got from someone else before adding my own "two cents". I have been blessed to learn firsthand by great men and women of Christ who through words and actions demonstrate all that is good and worthwhile. I do occasionally have my own ideas but most of what I share is in homage to more significant folk.
So maybe a blog might be the ticket. A place where I can share some useful information and assign them to the different and random subjects for easy access. The blog will include sections like;
Gospel Principles 101- Important subjects like obedience, scripture study, chastity, education, sharing the good news and repentance will all be treated in a short and concise way that may help any parent, teacher or church leader teach these subjects effectively.
Gospel Toolbox- Learning tools made up of word tracks that help us define and remember certain gospel topics and principles. Each comes with a card you can print and keep in your scriptures for easy access.
Beloved Bishops- Relying on two decades of experience serving in bishoprics, as a bishop and as a bishop trainer on the stake high council, I will share successful tools, agenda's and forms bishops may find to be invaluable. I do not attempt to compete with the General Handbook of instructions in anyway. I have merely put some tools together to help bishops with the logistics so they can focus on the principles and directives by general church leadership. Simply think of it as my "If I only knew then what I know now" gift to all those called to serve where the rubber truly meets the road.
Marriage is a Party!- My wife and I have made our relationship a priority. We truly believe one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to love each other as husband and wife. We have studied and continue to study and work on this paramount relationship and hope we may have some ideas that others find helpful.
Recipes- What? Yep, we like to cook around our house and there are some recipes we have developed that might just give you a reason to check back with the blog now and then.
Travel & Dining- We don't do a lot of traveling but if you are going to one of our favorite places like San Diego, Seattle, Cancun Mexico or Laie Hawaii, we may just have some fun suggestions for you.
Tom's Favorite Mix- Links to my favorite articles, photos and videos on the world wide web.
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