It seems the older I get, the less concerned I am that others agree with my beliefs and the more I care that they at least understand what and why we Mormons believe what we do. Others might judge aspects of my faith as peculiar, that's fine as long as their assumptions are based on principles and doctrine we actually believe and practice. Although everyone has the right to their own opinions, they do not have the right to their own facts. So, when our Christianity is mistakenly questioned I simply feel that I cannot remain still.
Let’s pose the following question; Acknowledging that I am a sinner and far, far from perfect, if I were brought before a court of law and charged with being a Christian, one who professes to worship and believe that Jesus is the Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict me? I hope & pray so. Please allow me to share the following points in my defense.
1. My faith is based on the knowledge that there is a God, named Elohim, our Heavenly Father. I also believe in Jehovah, His only begotten son in the flesh, even Jesus Christ. I accept Him as the savior and redeemer of the world and that through none else is salvation possible. I also believe in the Holy Ghost.
2. I worship only Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and no one nor nothing else.
3. I love the Bible and believe the words and teachings contained therein to be factual and the word of God as originally revealed to his servants the prophets and apostles. I do acknowledge and recognize that any errors or discrepancies in the Bible’s present form are due to later imperfect translations and or incorrect interpretations from those who compiled the Bible long after the individual "books" were composed by the original authors.
4. In my desire to know the Savior and Redeemer better, I attended an early morning scripture study class at 5:45 am everyday during four years of high school. These classes included a year long study of the New Testament and another year devoted to the Old Testament.
5. I interrupted my college studies and served as a volunteer missionary for two years in the ghettos of Philadelphia. There I went door to door sharing the good news of the gospel without pay and at much sacrifice to my family back at home. Amidst this service, I witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit work miracles in the lives of those who accepted our message of Jesus Christ and His restored church.
6. I believe the bible when it teaches that Jesus and his apostles organized the Church of Jesus Christ for the perfecting of the saints through unity of worship, doctrine and fellowship. ( The bible uses the word “saints” to describe members of Christ’s church). He taught one baptism, one faith, etc. not all different kinds! The church was to help support and insure this “house of order”.
7. I believe literally in Jesus’ commandment to be baptized and followed His example and was baptized by immersion for the remission of sins as a boy only after reaching an age of accountability.
8. At baptism I believe I made a solemn commitment to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ and try to pattern my life after His.
9. I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( referring to church members of these the latter days compared to those members who lived during Christ’s time.) is His true and living church on the face of the earth and I am a member of it. How can it be His church if it does not bear his name? Rather than being only a “Bible based” church, it is a church based on what the Bible is based on, God’s words as revealed to His servants the prophets.
10. I believe in Christ’s miraculous birth, His divinity as the Son of God, and that He bled from every pore in the Garden of Gethsemane to ransom the sins of the world and my own.
11. I believe He offered his life on the cross freely because he had the power over death as the Son of God.
12. I believe literally in His resurrection on the third day, and that His spirit was reunited with a new glorified and immortal body and by so doing broke the bands of death.
13. I believe that all mankind (not just a selected few) will be resurrected in this same manner as a gift from Jesus Christ.
14. I believe He still Lives! I worship the living Christ, not the dead one on the cross. This is why I choose not to wear crosses nor do we choose to display them on or in our homes and churches.
15. I believe He still loves, not just loved, that He cares not just cared, that He leads not just led and most importantly I believe HE SPEAKS, not just that he has spoken. I wouldn't dare put limits on His ability & desire to continue to shepherd his children living today through continuous revelations.
16. I believe that although His love for me is unconditional, my love for Him is not. I must prove my love and devotion to Him through my own faithfulness and obedience. He told his disciples in the New Testament, “Ye are my friends if ye do what I say” and “if ye love me keep my commandments”. I am trying.
17. I demonstrate this obedience by not worshipping or loving anything or anyone more than Him. I try to follow the Ten Commandments daily including never taking the Lord’s name in vain nor do I pray to anyone other than God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. I also do not worship any graven images or statues.
18. I regard the popular saying that “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven” as a cop-out. Although I know I can never earn my own salvation and exaltation, I believe the scriptures are explicit in stating that simply accepting and professing Jesus as the Christ is not enough. Even the devil and his angels know that Jesus is the Christ. No, I prove my discipleship and love for him by following His example and obeying His commandments. When and where I fall short, I have faith that He alone will atone for my sins and make up the difference if I remain faithful.
19. I attend a worship service every single Sunday where the emblems of the Holy Sacrament that Christ himself initiated 2,000 years ago are administered. I believe that as I come to worship him each week with a sincere heart and in the spirit of repentance, that my sins can continually be washed away through Christ’s atonement.
20. I believe the Church of Jesus Christ as originally organized by Him and His apostles, has been restored to the earth, in it’s originally intended form after having fallen into apostasy for almost two centuries.
21. I believe my worship should bless others and should not be selfish in nature. Although I can always improve, I try to find and take advantage of opportunities to serve my fellow man as Jesus taught.
22. I believe that our Father in Heaven has a plan of happiness for each of us. It relies on the mission of Jesus Christ. It has provided me the answers to questions asked by men and women through the ages; where did we come from, why are we here on earth, and where do we go when we die?
23. I believe the ‘Book of Mormon- Another Testament of Jesus Christ’, is the word of God. This second witness is drenched in Christ. I have become closer to God by using it as a companion to the Bible to help me learn more of Him and His gospel.
24. I believe that God’s plan includes the important institution of the Family. I believe through the gospel of Jesus Christ, my relationship with my wife and children will last into the eternities. Heaven without my wife and children would simply not be heaven for me. Therefore, no success can compensate for failure in the home.
25. I believe Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. I find that I am happiest when I better align my will with His as found in the scriptures and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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