a) Modern day revelations accompanying the greatest event since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Restoration of priesthood authority, saving ordinances and doctrine as well as the church of Jesus Christ.
b) “OUR” Testament (our dispensation) vs. “Old”, “New”, “Another” (W. Woodruff)
When: 1 Revelation in 1823, (Moroni’s visitation)
136 in 16yrs. from 1828- (Beginning of translation of BoM to 1844- Joseph Smith’s death)
Publication: 1831- Book of Commandments
1835- Doctrine & Covenants also included “Lectures on Faith” were removed in1921.
Where: New York Period 1820-1830
Ohio Period 1831-1839
Nauvoo Period 1839-1844
How did it come to be?
1) Revelations received by the Lord thru inspiration, visions, dreams and heavenly visitations and manifestations.
2) Received “line upon line” , “precept upon precept”, “here a little, there a little”
Why did the Lord provide it?
Seven Basic Themes
1) Voice of Warning
2) The Plan of Salvation
3) The Scriptures
4) The Priesthood
5) Church Organization & Administration; Commandments to Church
6) Missionary Work & Instructions to Missionaries.
7) Personal Instructions to Individuals. Members (Sister Susan Easton Black said, “generally, it’s a bad sign to be mentioned in the D&C, 70% left the church, ha!)
Challenges to our study:
First, in some ways it reads like a random diary. What it contains is mostly raw data, primary source material, and unprocessed firsthand experiences. While such records are of utmost importance, they are usually not the easiest to read.
Second, there is no presently recognizable order in which revelations were given to Joseph Smith. The Lord did not give all of his instructions about the priesthood—or missionary work, or Church organization, or the scriptures—in tidy packages all at once. He gave them as the need or question arose, from day to day, in an order that—to us—seems unpredictable. The Doctrine and Covenants today is still printed the same way, section by section, not systematically or topically or even in the order in which all the revelations were received. That is why there have been some changes in the wording and organization of many of the revelations as time passed.
Blessings available:
When studied thematically, the doctrinal information is comprehensive and remarkable. Particularly because Joseph Smith’s life was far from tranquil. Time to review, revise, evaluate, do research, or fill in gaps was rarely available to him. Yet, when his short time ran out, the job was done.
Note- I remember as a young missionary in the MTC way back in October of 1978, Elder Franklin D Richards of the Seventy came to speak to us. While referring to the Doctrine and Covenants he counseled us never to use the abbreviated "D&C". He said that to the outside world, the "d and c" is a medical procedure performed during abortions.
It made me think that Jesus Christ revealed the restored Gospel to Joseph Smith in English. Not because it is a perfect language, nor do I believe it is the language Christ himself speaks. He used English because it was a language Joseph Smith would understand.
I am a true believer that when we try to share principles about the gospel to others, we should follow this pattern and use words they would understand. I have tried to heed Elder Richards and have avoided the abbreviation for these past 30+ years.
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