Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bishopric Quick Reference Guide

Bishopric Quick Reference Guide from the General Handbook of Instructions #2.
1) Performing Priesthood Ordinances, Setting Aparts and Blessings
2) Announcing the above and Releases and Callings

One of the blessings of serving in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the learning curve of a new assignment, stewardship and calling can be shortened dramatically if we choose to follow patterns.  Particularly in this exciting age of instant access, finding these proper patterns are easier than ever.  In an effort for efficiency and transparency, the General Handbook  of Instructions #2 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is available on the internet to anyone interested.  

With a new assignment in our local congregation's leadership, I reviewed again the excellent counsel in the Handbook as it relates to performing and announcing Priesthood Ordinances, Blessings and Setting Aparts.  For those who conduct worship services, I also included a section  on announcing these along with assorted Ward Business.  I thought it made since to consolidate these patterns and procedures for easier access.  I hope this helps any of our bishoprics, priesthood holders and general membership understand the preferred patterns as directed by the general authorities.  As you can see, the Handbook reference is listed by book and section.

Quick Reference Guide- Bishopric

Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings H2-20.1.2

Participants-  The voice must be temple worthy for Confirmations, Conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood & Ordaining to a M.P. office & Setting aparts. Melchizedek Priesthood holders not yet temple worthy may stand in the circle for wives and children. With the bishop’s approval they can be voice for baby blessings, baptisms, and conferring the Aaronic Priesthood and its offices for their wife & children. Those participants from outside the ward must show their current temple recommend or present a signed Recommend to Perform Ordinances.

Baby Blessings- “…bring them unto the elders before the church” D&C 20:70.  “Normally …during fast & testimony meeting in the ward where the parents are members of record” H2-20.2.1
1. Address Heavenly Father
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Give the child a name
4. Blessing as the Spirit directs
5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Baptism- H2-20.3.8
1. State the person’s full name
2. “Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” D&C 20:73                

Confirmation- H2-20.3.10
1. State the person’s full name
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Confirm the person a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
4. “Receive the Holy Ghost”
5. Blessing as the Spirit directs
6. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Consecrating Oil- H2-20.5
1. Hold the open container of olive oil
2. Address Heavenly Father
3. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
4. Consecrate the oil (not container) & set it apart for anointing and blessing of the sick and afflicted.
5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Anointing- Done by one priesthood holder  H2-20.6.2
1. Anoint with a drop on the head
2. Place hands lightly on head and call person by full name
3. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
4. State that he is anointing with oil that has been consecrated for anointing & blessing of the sick and afflicted.
5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Sealing Anointing- Normally done by two or more priesthood holders H2-20.6.3
1. Call the person by name
2. State he is sealing the anointing by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Blessing as the Spirit directs
4. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Priesthood Ordination- No keys are bestowed H2-20.7.1
1. State the person’s full name
2. By the authority of the Priesthood (Melchizedek or Aaronic)
3. Confer the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood
4. Ordain to an office in the priesthood and bestow the rights, powers, and authority of that office. 
5. Blessing as the Spirit directs
6. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Setting Apart Officers & Teachers- “A setting apart is an opportunity to give a blessing… (not) detailed counsel and instruction… It is not necessary to have prayers, testimonies, or instruction…” H2-19.4
1. Call the person by name
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Set the person apart to the appropriate office in the stake, ward, quorum, high priest group, or class
4. Confer keys only for stake presidents, bishops, deacons & teachers presidents.
3. Blessing as the Spirit directs
4. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Fathers Blessings or Other Blessings of Comfort & Counsel H2-20.8
1. Call the person using full name.
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Words of blessing as the Spirit directs
4. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Dedicating Graves
1. Address Heavenly Father H2-20.9
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Dedicate & consecrate the burial plot as a resting place for the body of the deceased
4. Pray that the place will be hallowed & protected until the Resurrection
5. Ask the Lord to comfort the family and expresses thoughts as the Spirit directs
6. Close in the name of Jesus Christ              

Dedicating Homes
1. Address Heavenly Father H2-20.11
2. By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
3. Dedicate the home as sacred edifices as the Spirit directs. (do not dedicate it to the Lord)
4. Close in the name of Jesus Christ                              

Quick Reference Guide- Bishopric
Ward Business
Announcing Releases-  H2-19.5
1. “(Name) has been released as (position) and we propose he (she) be given a vote of thanks for his (her)   
     service.”  Those who wish to express their appreciation may manifest it by the uplifted hand” 
    No dissenting vote is asked for

1. “The following members have been released from the following positions. 
2.  Read names and positions
3. “Those who wish to express their appreciation may manifest it by the uplifted hand”  
     No dissenting vote is asked for.   

Announcing Sustainings- H2-19.3
1. “Will (name) please stand.  (Name) has been called as (position), and we propose that he (or she) be
     sustained. Those in favor may manifest it by the uplifted hand.”  (Pause for sustaining vote)
2. “Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.” (Pause briefly to allow for dissenting vote).

1.It is proposed that we sustain the following members to new positions and ask that they stand as their names
     are read.” (Name) as (position), etc. Those in favor may manifest it.” (Pause for sustaining vote
2. “Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.” (Pause briefly to allow for dissenting vote).

Announcing Aaronic Priesthood Ordinations- H2-19.3 (invite the brother to stand)
1.“ It is propose that (name) receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained a (deacon, teacher or priest). 
     Those in favor may manifest it.” (pause) 
2. “Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.” 

Announcing Aaronic Priesthood Advancement- H2-19.3 (invite the brother to stand)
1.“ It is propose that (name) be ordained a (teacher or priest)in the Aaronic Priesthood. 
     Those in favor may manifest it.” (pause) 
2. “Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.”  

Announcing New Move-ins H2-18.2.2
1. “We have received the membership records of the following new member(s) and ask that he (she, they) stand
    as their name(s) are read”.
2. Read names
3. “Please join in welcoming and accepting this (these) member(s) into full fellowship in the ward by show of
    the uplifted hand.  Thank You.”  (no opposition asked for)

Announcing Newly Baptized Converts- H2-18.2.2
1. Invite member to stand and announce their baptism & confirmation.
2. “Please join me in welcoming and accepting this (these) member(s) into full fellowship in the ward by show
    of the uplifted hand.  Thank You.”  (no opposition asked for)

Announcing Newly Baptized Children of Record- H2-18.2.2
1. Simply invite member to stand and announce their baptism & confirmation.
(They are not presented for acceptance into the ward because they are already members


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