Monday, May 30, 2011

Sacrament Meeting Speaking Assignment Confirmation

Sacrament Meeting Speaking Guidelines

We appreciate your willingness to speak in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday ___________ beginning at ________.

Confirming your assigned scripture based topic of _______________________________

Please speak for _________ minutes.

Others who will be speaking in the meeting and their topics:

Please consider the following guidelines as you prepare and participate in our worship service.

1. Please focus your remarks on your assigned topics. Pray and ponder and the Lord will direct you in your efforts and help insure your remarks are a result of inspiration.
2. Please use the scriptures and share your testimony.
3. Remember that Sacrament meeting is a worship service. You should make every effort to bring the Spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the meeting with both the appropriateness of your words and the manner in which they are delivered.
4. Please be sensitive to the meeting time and respectful to others who are also speaking. Watch the clock and limit your remarks to the specific time assigned. We believe the Spirit can work within the time allotted. If you are assigned as the final speaker please be prepared to shorten your remarks if needed and conclude at five minutes after the hour.
5. We have been counseled to refrain from using visual aids and props or asking the congregation to participate including inviting them to look up scripture references during the meeting.

Allow us to thank you in advance for your participation and please don’t hesitate calling with any questions.

_________________ Ward Bishopric

(Names) (Phone Numbers)

Print this form here;
Sacrament Meeting Speaking Assignment Guidelines

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