It is clear that an apostasy was predicted by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Jesus taught that, "many shall come in my name, saying 'I am Christ', and shall deceive many" (Matthew 24:5). Paul declared, "Be not soon shaken in mind, or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, not by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by many means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first." (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3).
We should note that the Greek word apostasia was translated as "falling away" in the KJV. Thus Paul is saying that the early Christians should not be fooled by false Christs since there would be an unmistakable apostasy before Christ's return. Consider also the following: Matthew 24:4, 9-13, 24; John 16:2-3; Acts 20:29-30; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 12-13; 4:3-4; Titus 1:10-16; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 3:3; 1 John 2:18-19; Jude 3-4; Revelation 13:4-8.
Other Biblical verses such as Matthew 17:11; Acts 1:6-7; 3:19-21; Ephesians 1:10; and Revelation 14:6 confirm the LDS belief that a restoration of the gospel was prophesied to occur in these latter days.
Some may be tempted to cite the Protestant reformation as the fulfillment of these prophecies, but it is clear that the promised restoration was to be accomplished not through man's effort but in spite of it (Daniel 2:44-45; Matthew 5:13; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 4:3-4; Hebrews 6:4-8). Such a renewal came at the time of the Savior's mortal ministry. Jesus Christ made no attempt to reform the doctrines and institutions of His day; He simply restored the true gospel to the Earth. It was taught not as reformed Judaism but rather as a new alternative to it. As Jesus taught, new wine cannot be put in old bottles or both the wine and the bottles will be lost (Matthew 9:16-17). The multitudes of Protestant churches existing today are proof of the fact that a reformation cannot succeed in restoring absolute truth. God has always accomplished this end through new revelation to his chosen prophets and not through self-appointed reformers.
0AD- Birth of the Savior. In the 5th Century the Catholic Church decides this an important enough event to name it the “Meridian of Time” and to split the calendar into BC, AD.
30- Jesus began His ministry
33- Jesus was crucified after organizing His church.
42- Peter went to Rome & organized a church and called a Bishop Linus. This is where the Catholics trace their history. But the very next year he apostatized from the church.
43- Paul went back to Rome to check on things. The first chapter of Romans describes what he found. We see a big separation between the church of Jesus Christ and the Church of Rome. The church had strayed so badly he called another Linus (deacon) to take over. (Many believe the first Linus may have been a homosexual and started the wearing for more feminine robes)
64- Nero is in charge of the government in Rome. He burned most of the city and crucified Deacon Linus which ended the church of Jesus Christ in Rome. The Romans persecuted the Church of Rome as well (Bishop Linus’s group) When you hear of the Christian catacombs and the gladiators, etc. this involved Bishop Linus’s Church of Rome.
70- Roman invaders destroyed Jerusalem- The historian Josephus was with them and recorded everything. This is when Masada took place. 900 Zealots hid for three years and decided to kill themselves rather than be taken over by Romans and become slaves. Jerusalem disappears and the Jewish people are spread throughout the world until 1848.
75- Bishop Linus who is now being called a “pope” receives a letter claiming their movement is becoming universal. Linus likes this idea and begins calling his church the Roman Catholic (meaning universal) Church.
96-John the Revelator was banished to the Isle of Patmos. All of the apostles are martyred. Peter was crucified in Rome upside down per his request. John is not heard of after 101 AD so the apostasy is complete. There is no longer authority on the earth.
320- From 101 to 320 it was difficult being a Christian. The persecution of Roman Catholics was also fierce. Constantine was the leader in Rome and was a pagan himself. He needed to unify the kingdom so he brought together 350 of the brightest people together for a convention in Niceona, Turkey to define a belief of state. After a long conference they came up with the Nicean Creed. Constantine adopted this compromised melting pot of Christian & pagan beliefs as the official doctrine of the Catholic Church. This changed the church from a renegade off-shoot of the church of Jesus Christ to the new church of state. This is when the government and church leaders became one and ushered in a bloody period because they became “lords”. The Nicean Creed still remains the basis of belief for 85% of all Christian churches today.
785- No religious freedom under the pope/government system. Excommunication meant death. The Catholic Church was in charge of Europe. They wrote and determined European History. Empress Irene is now in charge and she decides to hold a second Nicean Council to adopt even more pagan practices like the worshiping of idols and other people along with Christ and God. Hence Mary, the apostles and other “saints” are now idolized and worshipped.
900- Pope John was really Pope Joanne and disappeared shortly after getting pregnant. History was re-written to cover this up but Lutherans claim they still have proof.
1100- 3 popes exist and fight against one another for control.
1200- Pope the innocent was hungry for power. He was fighting three wars on three different fronts at the same time. Low on funds he initiates the “sale of indulgences”. This new doctrine allowed the rich to confess and pay money for sins. They could even pre-pay for sins.
Also- * The invention of the printing – until then, only the clergy held the scriptures. In fact Catholics were discouraged for centuries to read them for themselves. This practice continued in Ireland all the way to 1960.
1300- The use of the printing press spawned the beginning of the renaissance. Cultural Revolution begins.
1492- * Christopher Columbus is a product of this revolution, he questions the church belief that the world is flat. He claims divine guidance by the Holy Spirit and discovers America.
1515- Martin Luther, an Augustine Monk is also a product of this renaissance. He loves the Catholic Church but finds many discrepancies between current catholic beliefs and what he reads in the Bible. The “sale of indulgences” started his discord. He writes a list of 95 questionable doctrines and practices he finds unfounded in scripture and posts them for all to read. Within weeks he was threatened with excommunication but his love for the church continued.
1523- Martin Luther is excommunicated and the church publicized it would not be considered murder if he was killed. Rich German nobles supported and hid him, not because they were interested in his attempts at reformation rather they were only interested in loosening the grasp of the Popes and the taxes they imposed. With their encouragement he reluctantly begins his own church never claiming authority or revelation. Those that followed Luther were called Protestants because they protested the established Catholic Chruch. At the same time in Switzerland John Calvin begins questioning his Catholic beliefs (particularly the saved by grace rather than merits doctrine) after discussions with his cousin who was a reformer. He starts the Presbyterian Church named after the system of church government he adopts which systems is based upon administration by a series of representative courts composed of elders of presbyters again never claiming authority or revelation.
1534- Henry the VIII want to divorce his wife but the pope won’t let him. Knowing of Martin Luther’s success, the King begins his own church so he can call the shots and divorce his wife. Without claims of revelation, he creates the Church of England which is now the Episcopal Church.
1536- Another reformation group calling themselves Anabaptists or rebaptisers who took issue with Catholicism’s infant baptisms. This movement became known for its radical forces that reaped a lot of havoc. Menno Stevens helped restore a more moderate and peace loving faction who took upon themselves his name, Mennonites. When groups of Mennonites crossed over to England they were led in the early 1600’s by John Smythe who began using the name Baptist Church. He also never claimed revelation or authority.
1620- *The pilgrims flee England to escape the religious persecution they suffered from the King of England and the Episcopal or Anglican Church. Back when King Henry the VIII started the church, many reformers thought it inherited too much of the errant Catholic doctrines and practices. These “puritans” where mainly rich merchants but some of their group, poorer farmers broke cleanly away because of their strong views and became known as “separatists”. They feared wrath from the King so they moved to Holland which had more religious tolerance. Afraid of losing their English traditions and language in the Netherlands however, they decided to make a pilgrimage to America.
1729- John & Charles Wesley started a movement among their fellow clergy of the Church of England that emphasized the conduct of life and religion by rule or method. They remained in the Church of England and never intended this Methodist movement to be its own denomination. It was only after their death that their followers broke from the Church of England. Many congregations lead by lay ministers who never claimed authority, still called upon clergy of the Church of England to come perform baptisms, ordinations and weddings.
1776- *United States of America is born guaranteeing freedom of religion.
1805- Just 29 years after the birth of this new free nation, Joseph Smith Jr. is born.
1820- As a 14 yr. old boy, Joseph Smith Jr. prays to ask God which of the many churches is right and which one to join. The heavens are opened and he receives a visit from God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. He is informed that the true Church of Jesus Christ fell from the earth after the death of the original apostles. He is instructed that he will be used as an instrument to restore rather (than reform) the original and true Church of Jesus Christ.
1830- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized in Fayette, New York, April 6, 1830 claiming both modern revelation to living apostles and prophets and Priethood Authority restored to Joseph Smith from Jesus Christ’s original apostles Peter, James and John.
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