“A Principle with Promise” D&C 89
1) Our bodies are gifts from God and we have stewardship to keep them clean and pure.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 6:19-20 our bodies are temples. They must remain clean and pure to receive the Spirit
2) D&C 89:4 gives another reason, to thwart “evils and designs…in the hearts of conspiring men” who profit from the costs and social ills associated with harmful substances including the misrepresentations associated with happiness, success, and social relationships. *** See Elder Marlin K. Jensen's story below!
3) God loves us and wants us to have joy! Giving a generation (18 yrs.) between revealing the principles in 1833 and making them a commandment in 1851. 100 years before the saints obeyed in mass (It took Enoch 300 years to build a Zion people)
History of Revelation: Born of necessity and / or inquiry
1- Modern revelation! A new law, (Don’t’s kid ourselves, wine in the New Testament was not pure grape juice)
2- Smoke and mess left in the classroom of the school of the prophets above Newell K. Whitney’s store.
3- Joseph Sr.’s possible drinking problem.
Raises the Bar!- It’s OK and even exciting when the Lord changes expectations.
1. Sexual Intercourse changed to Sexual relations in the church’s definition of the law of chastity.
2.“… Not by commandment or constraint” originally but is now a requirement of temple worthiness.
3.“Do you abstain…” changed to “Do you live…”
Basic Law:
The Lord has not specified everything that we should and should not partake of. “Such revelation is unnecessary,” President Joseph Fielding Smith.
Focusing on basic principles revealed by the Lord—not fads.
Don’t look beyond the mark" Jacob 4:14
Elder Bruce R. McConkie: "It is . . . my experience that people who ride gospel hobbies, who try to qualify themselves as experts in some specialized field, who try to make the whole plan of salvation revolve around some field of particular interest to them-it is my experience that such persons are usually spiritually immature and spiritually unstable. This includes those who devote themselves-as though by divine appointment-to setting forth the signs of the times; or, to expounding about the Second Coming; or, to a faddist interpretation of the Word of Wisdom; or, to a twisted emphasis on temple work or any other doctrine or practice. The Jews of Jesus' day made themselves hobbyists and extremists in the field of Sabbath observance, and it colored and blackened their whole way of worship. We would do well to have a sane, rounded, and balanced approach to the whole gospel and all of its doctrines."
Elder McConkie continues: "There are no private doctrines. All of the doctrines and practices of the Church are taught publicly. There are no secret doctrines, no private practices, no courses of conduct approved for a few only. The blessings of the gospel are for all men. Do not be deceived into believing that the General Authorities believe any secret doctrines or have any private ways of living. Everything that is taught and practiced in the Church is open to public inspection, or, at least, where temple ordinances are concerned, to the inspection and knowledge of everyone who qualifies himself by personal righteousness to enter the house of the Lord." (Sermons & Writings of Bruce R. McConkie, p234)
Elder McConkie also said: "The proper course for all of us is to stay in the mainstream of the Church. This is the Lord's Church, and it is led by the spirit of inspiration, and the practice of the Church constitutes the interpretation of the scripture."
D&C 89:5-7 – Wine and strong drink (alcoholic beverages) Drink has brought more woe and misery, broken more hearts, wrecked more homes, committed more crimes, filled more coffins, than all the wars the world has suffered.” First Presidency Oct. 1942
D&C 89:8 – Tobacco (smoking and smokeless tobacco use)
D&C 89:9 – Hot drinks, defined as tea and coffee (That IS the doctrinal requirement)
1-Priesthood Bulletin, February. 1972: "With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided."
2-Soda Co’s say they add it for taste, "The Johns Hopkins study found only 8 percent could detect the caffeine.
3-Perception- People are watching! Play practice, Dad’s & Danny Ainge’s Pop cans, Dallin Oaks “he’s a Mormon” stories.
Modern Day additions- In addition, we should not: use any substance that contains illegal drugs, use any habit-forming substances except under the care of a competent physician, or misuse prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
Goliaths! Which on may be yours. Marlin Burrell Story
D&C 89:10 – Wholesome herbs—vegetables and plants
D&C 89:11 – Fruit
D&C 89:12 – Flesh of beasts and fowls with guidance.
D&C 89:14-17 – Grains
D&C 89:11, “with prudence” and “with…thanksgiving”.
Promised blessings:
D&C 89:18 & 20 – Physical Health. Read By their Fruits
D&C 89:19 – Wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.
The spiritual treasures of knowledge received may include testimony, knowledge of divine truths, personal revelation, patriarchal blessings, and temple ordinances and covenants. Elder Boyd K. Packer said: “I have come to know …that a fundamental purpose of the Word of Wisdom has to do with revelation…If someone ‘under the influence’ [of harmful substances] can hardly listen to plain talk, how can they respond to spiritual promptings that touch their most delicate feelings? As valuable as the Word of Wisdom is as a law of health, it may be much more valuable to you spiritually than it is physically”(Ensign, Nov. 1979, 20).
Larry Garfield Story
D&C 89:21 – Protection from the destroying angel.
Maybe not from all physical pain & disease but to gain increased strength to resist temptation and the patience required to continue, day after day and be saved by Spiritual death
Obedience to the Word of Wisdom would solve the world’s economic problems: President Heber J. Grant taught that, “the Word of Wisdom…would solve the economic problems…of every…country, if it were obeyed by the people of the world” (Conf. Rpt., 1936, 48).
Other Benefits: In studies by social scientists
1- Happy marriages and satisfactory family lives.
2- Less likely to engage in premarital or extramarital sex
3- Less depression
4- Less involvement in delinquent, deviant, or antisocial behaviors. (Latter-day Christianity: 10 Basic Issues [booklet, 1998],46-47)
***Consipring Men – Word of Wisdom Evidence
Speaker: Marlin K. Jensen Event: Sperry Symposium 2000 Date Given: September 29, 2000
In 1997 Elder W Eugene Hansen and I were asked to host the honorable Michael Moore, Mississippi’s Attorney General during a brief visit he made to Utah and to church headquarters. In a wide ranging conversation with Mr. Moore, Elder Hansen and I raised questions about the lawsuit he had filed against the major American tobacco companies on behalf of the state of Mississippi. We new Mississippi had recovered a sizeable judgment and that other states were undertaking similar action.
We asked him specifically upon what legal theory the state of Mississippi’s claim had been based. Much to our surprise Mr. Moore informed us that the state’s cause of action had been based on a theory of conspiracy. Which the evidence eventually conclusively showed existed among the tobacco companies and even among their lawyers. As Mr. Moor talked of his conspiracy theory and the efforts made by the tobacco companies to hide from the public the addictive and harmful effects of tobacco, my mind almost instinctively turned to section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants. A copy of that scripture was quickly located and after briefly explaining the background and import of section 89, I asked Mr. Moore to read verse four. We listened attentively as he slowly and deliberately read that verse out loud in his appealing southern accent.
The verse reads, “Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation” This scriptural reference to “conspiring men” was not lost on Mr. Moore. As he finished reading verse four a broad smile came across his face and with a twinkle in his eye he said. “I never dreamed in visiting Utah I would find 10 million Mormons who would agree with my conspiracy theories.” My heart burned within me that day. And has many times since as I have thought of Joseph Smith’s gifts as a prophet and seer. There really is no other explanation for the origin of that 1833 revelation. It waited until the nearly the end of the twentieth century for an almost literal public verification of one of its key passages. However in the hearts of the faithful saints who have headed its message for 170 years, there has never been any doubt about its authenticity or relevance.
1) Our bodies are gifts from God and we have stewardship to keep them clean and pure.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 6:19-20 our bodies are temples. They must remain clean and pure to receive the Spirit
2) D&C 89:4 gives another reason, to thwart “evils and designs…in the hearts of conspiring men” who profit from the costs and social ills associated with harmful substances including the misrepresentations associated with happiness, success, and social relationships. *** See Elder Marlin K. Jensen's story below!
3) God loves us and wants us to have joy! Giving a generation (18 yrs.) between revealing the principles in 1833 and making them a commandment in 1851. 100 years before the saints obeyed in mass (It took Enoch 300 years to build a Zion people)
History of Revelation: Born of necessity and / or inquiry
1- Modern revelation! A new law, (Don’t’s kid ourselves, wine in the New Testament was not pure grape juice)
2- Smoke and mess left in the classroom of the school of the prophets above Newell K. Whitney’s store.
3- Joseph Sr.’s possible drinking problem.
Raises the Bar!- It’s OK and even exciting when the Lord changes expectations.
1. Sexual Intercourse changed to Sexual relations in the church’s definition of the law of chastity.
2.“… Not by commandment or constraint” originally but is now a requirement of temple worthiness.
3.“Do you abstain…” changed to “Do you live…”
Basic Law:
The Lord has not specified everything that we should and should not partake of. “Such revelation is unnecessary,” President Joseph Fielding Smith.
Focusing on basic principles revealed by the Lord—not fads.
Don’t look beyond the mark" Jacob 4:14
Elder Bruce R. McConkie: "It is . . . my experience that people who ride gospel hobbies, who try to qualify themselves as experts in some specialized field, who try to make the whole plan of salvation revolve around some field of particular interest to them-it is my experience that such persons are usually spiritually immature and spiritually unstable. This includes those who devote themselves-as though by divine appointment-to setting forth the signs of the times; or, to expounding about the Second Coming; or, to a faddist interpretation of the Word of Wisdom; or, to a twisted emphasis on temple work or any other doctrine or practice. The Jews of Jesus' day made themselves hobbyists and extremists in the field of Sabbath observance, and it colored and blackened their whole way of worship. We would do well to have a sane, rounded, and balanced approach to the whole gospel and all of its doctrines."
Elder McConkie continues: "There are no private doctrines. All of the doctrines and practices of the Church are taught publicly. There are no secret doctrines, no private practices, no courses of conduct approved for a few only. The blessings of the gospel are for all men. Do not be deceived into believing that the General Authorities believe any secret doctrines or have any private ways of living. Everything that is taught and practiced in the Church is open to public inspection, or, at least, where temple ordinances are concerned, to the inspection and knowledge of everyone who qualifies himself by personal righteousness to enter the house of the Lord." (Sermons & Writings of Bruce R. McConkie, p234)
Elder McConkie also said: "The proper course for all of us is to stay in the mainstream of the Church. This is the Lord's Church, and it is led by the spirit of inspiration, and the practice of the Church constitutes the interpretation of the scripture."
D&C 89:5-7 – Wine and strong drink (alcoholic beverages) Drink has brought more woe and misery, broken more hearts, wrecked more homes, committed more crimes, filled more coffins, than all the wars the world has suffered.” First Presidency Oct. 1942
D&C 89:8 – Tobacco (smoking and smokeless tobacco use)
D&C 89:9 – Hot drinks, defined as tea and coffee (That IS the doctrinal requirement)
1-Priesthood Bulletin, February. 1972: "With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided."
2-Soda Co’s say they add it for taste, "The Johns Hopkins study found only 8 percent could detect the caffeine.
3-Perception- People are watching! Play practice, Dad’s & Danny Ainge’s Pop cans, Dallin Oaks “he’s a Mormon” stories.
Modern Day additions- In addition, we should not: use any substance that contains illegal drugs, use any habit-forming substances except under the care of a competent physician, or misuse prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
Goliaths! Which on may be yours. Marlin Burrell Story
D&C 89:10 – Wholesome herbs—vegetables and plants
D&C 89:11 – Fruit
D&C 89:12 – Flesh of beasts and fowls with guidance.
D&C 89:14-17 – Grains
D&C 89:11, “with prudence” and “with…thanksgiving”.
Promised blessings:
D&C 89:18 & 20 – Physical Health. Read By their Fruits
D&C 89:19 – Wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.
The spiritual treasures of knowledge received may include testimony, knowledge of divine truths, personal revelation, patriarchal blessings, and temple ordinances and covenants. Elder Boyd K. Packer said: “I have come to know …that a fundamental purpose of the Word of Wisdom has to do with revelation…If someone ‘under the influence’ [of harmful substances] can hardly listen to plain talk, how can they respond to spiritual promptings that touch their most delicate feelings? As valuable as the Word of Wisdom is as a law of health, it may be much more valuable to you spiritually than it is physically”(Ensign, Nov. 1979, 20).
Larry Garfield Story
D&C 89:21 – Protection from the destroying angel.
Maybe not from all physical pain & disease but to gain increased strength to resist temptation and the patience required to continue, day after day and be saved by Spiritual death
Obedience to the Word of Wisdom would solve the world’s economic problems: President Heber J. Grant taught that, “the Word of Wisdom…would solve the economic problems…of every…country, if it were obeyed by the people of the world” (Conf. Rpt., 1936, 48).
Other Benefits: In studies by social scientists
1- Happy marriages and satisfactory family lives.
2- Less likely to engage in premarital or extramarital sex
3- Less depression
4- Less involvement in delinquent, deviant, or antisocial behaviors. (Latter-day Christianity: 10 Basic Issues [booklet, 1998],46-47)
***Consipring Men – Word of Wisdom Evidence
Speaker: Marlin K. Jensen Event: Sperry Symposium 2000 Date Given: September 29, 2000
In 1997 Elder W Eugene Hansen and I were asked to host the honorable Michael Moore, Mississippi’s Attorney General during a brief visit he made to Utah and to church headquarters. In a wide ranging conversation with Mr. Moore, Elder Hansen and I raised questions about the lawsuit he had filed against the major American tobacco companies on behalf of the state of Mississippi. We new Mississippi had recovered a sizeable judgment and that other states were undertaking similar action.
We asked him specifically upon what legal theory the state of Mississippi’s claim had been based. Much to our surprise Mr. Moore informed us that the state’s cause of action had been based on a theory of conspiracy. Which the evidence eventually conclusively showed existed among the tobacco companies and even among their lawyers. As Mr. Moor talked of his conspiracy theory and the efforts made by the tobacco companies to hide from the public the addictive and harmful effects of tobacco, my mind almost instinctively turned to section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants. A copy of that scripture was quickly located and after briefly explaining the background and import of section 89, I asked Mr. Moore to read verse four. We listened attentively as he slowly and deliberately read that verse out loud in his appealing southern accent.
The verse reads, “Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation” This scriptural reference to “conspiring men” was not lost on Mr. Moore. As he finished reading verse four a broad smile came across his face and with a twinkle in his eye he said. “I never dreamed in visiting Utah I would find 10 million Mormons who would agree with my conspiracy theories.” My heart burned within me that day. And has many times since as I have thought of Joseph Smith’s gifts as a prophet and seer. There really is no other explanation for the origin of that 1833 revelation. It waited until the nearly the end of the twentieth century for an almost literal public verification of one of its key passages. However in the hearts of the faithful saints who have headed its message for 170 years, there has never been any doubt about its authenticity or relevance.
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