Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What is your Marriage Style?

Validating Marriage-
Couples compromise often and then calmly work out their problems to mutual satisfaction as they arise. Now you need to know that for many of us that would seem like the style of marriage that we ought to have, but that’s simply not true.

Conflict-avoiding Marriage- Couples agree to disagree by rarely confronting their differences head on. Now this style of marriage doesn’t experience as much intimacy as the others, but it is still a stable style of marriage.

Volatile Marriage-
Conflicts erupt, often resulting in passionate disputes, but what
distinguishes this style of marriage from the two unstable styles is that there’s a lot of positive effect.


Hostile-engaged- These couples argue often and hotly. Insults, name calling, criticism, contempt, put-downs, and sarcasm are all a part of their repertoire.

Hostile-detached- “Husband and wife may yell and abuse each other but neither really listens to what the other is saying, nor do they look at each other very much. Such couples are quite detached and emotionally uninvolved, but they get into brief episodes of
attack and defensiveness.”

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